Audio |
When audio is started or stopped, this event is fired.
This includes playing an audio file or speaking TTS
Parameters are:
Parameter index | Content |
0 | The event type as an System.Int32 with a value of Audio | 1 |
A System.Boolean representing whether audio has started or stopped.
langword_csharp_True means audio has started, and false means audio has stopped.
| 2 | The audio device number as an System.Int32 or 0 if not using Windows PC audio. | 3 | The speaker host name as a System.String if audio is being sent to a client. | 4 | The speaker host instance as a System.String if audio is being sent to a client. |
CallerId |
Deprecated, no longer supported
ConfigChange |
When a change is made to the configuration of the system, such as Setup, this event is fired.
Parameters are:
Parameter index | Content |
0 | The event type as an System.Int32 with a value of ConfigChange | 1 | The target of the config change event as defined by EConfigChangeTarget and represented as an System.Int32 | 2 | UNUSED - always 0 | 3 | Target unique reference number as an System.Int32 | 4 | The type of change happening as defined by EConfigChangeAction and represented by an System.Int32 | 5 | A description of what changed as a System.String |
DeleteDevice |
A device has been deleted
Generic |
If a generic event is registered, this event is fired when the event is triggered.
The event is typically triggered by a plugin. Parameter 0 is EHsSystemEvent.Generic.
The remaining parameters are defined by the event that is registered.
Log |
When the event log is written, this event is fired.
Parameters are:
Parameter index | Content |
0 | The event type as an System.Int32 with a value of Log | 1 | The date and time of the log entry as a System.String | 2 | The type of the log entry as a System.String | 3 | The content of the log entry as a System.String | 4 | The color of the log entry as a System.String formatted in HTML color format | 5 | DEPRECATED | 6 | The source of the log entry as a System.String | 7 | The error code associated with the log entry as a System.Int32 | 8 | The date and time of the log entry as a System.DateTime |
SetupChange |
When an item in setup is changed, this event is fired. The parameters note the settings.ini file values that are set.
Parameters are:
Parameter index | Content |
0 | The event type as an System.Int32 with a value of SetupChange | 1 | The INI section as a System.String | 2 | The INI key as a System.String | 3 | The new INI value as a System.String |
P(0) = EHsSystemEvent.SetupChange
P(1) = INI section
P(2) = INI key
P(3) = INI value
SpeakerConnect |
When a new speaker client connects to the system, this event is fired.
Parameters are:
Parameter index | Content |
0 | The event type as an System.Int32 with a value of SpeakerConnect | 1 | The name of the speaker host as a System.String | 2 | The instance of the speaker host as a System.String | 3 |
An System.Int32 representing what the speaker host is doing.
1 means the host is connecting.
2 means it is disconnecting.
| 4 | The IP address of the speaker host as a System.String |
StringChange |
When the string value of a device is changed, this event is fired.
Parameters are:
Parameter index | Content |
0 | The event type as an System.Int32 with a value of StringChange | 1 | The Address of the device that has changed | 2 | The new value as a System.String | 3 | The Ref of the device that has changed |
ValueChange |
When the value of a device changes, this event is fired.
Parameters are:
Parameter index | Content |
0 | The event type as an System.Int32 with a value of ValueChange | 1 | The Address of the device that has changed | 2 | The new value as a System.Double | 3 | The old value as a System.Double | 4 | The Ref of the device that has changed |
ValueSet |
When a device has it's value set, this event is fired.
This will fire even if the device is being set to the same value.
Parameters are:
Parameter index | Content |
0 | The event type as an System.Int32 with a value of ValueSet | 1 | The Address of the device that has been set | 2 | The new value as a System.Double | 3 | The old value as a System.Double | 4 | The Ref of the device that has been set |
P(0) = EHsSystemEvent.ValueSet
P(1) = HSAddress of device that changed
P(2) = New value being set (double)
P(3) = Previous value (double)
P(4) = Device reference number
ValueStringChangeRunScript |
If a script includes a callback script, this event is fired before the script is run.
Note that this event does not include event ID in P(0).
Parameters are:
Parameter index | Content |
0 | The Code of the device that has been changed | 1 | The Address of the device that has been changed | 2 | The new value as a System.Double | 3 | The old value as a System.Double | 4 | The Ref of the device that has been changed |
P(0) = Device HSCode
P(1) = Device HSAddress
P(2) = New device value being set (double)
P(3) = Previous device value (double)
P(4) = Device reference number
VoiceRec |
Deprecated, no longer supported