Namespace HomeSeer.PluginSdk.Events
The base implementation of a plugin action type available for users to select in HomeSeer
Inherit from this class to define your own action types and store them in your plugin's ActionTypeCollection
The base implementation of a plugin action type available for users to select in HomeSeer
The difference between AbstractActionType2 and AbstractActionType, is that with AbstractActionType2 only a collection of view Id/Value pairs is stored in database whereas with AbstractActionType the whole ConfigPage is stored. This allows the plugin to build the views in OnInstantiateAction(Dictionary<String, String>) every time an action is instantiated.
Inherit from this class to define your own action types and store them in your plugin's ActionTypeCollection
The base implementation of a plugin trigger type available for users to select in HomeSeer
Inherit from this class to define your own trigger types and store them in your plugin's TriggerTypeCollection
The base implementation of a plugin trigger type available for users to select in HomeSeer
The difference between AbstractTriggerType2 and AbstractTriggerType, is that with AbstractTriggerType2 only a collection of view Id/Value pairs is stored in database whereas with AbstractTriggerType the whole ConfigPage is stored. This allows the plugin to build the views in OnInstantiateTrigger(Dictionary<String, String>) every time a trigger is instantiated.
Inherit from this class to define your own trigger types and store them in your plugin's TriggerTypeCollection
A collection of AbstractActionTypes that can be used by users to create HomeSeer Event Actions.
An instance of this class is a field on AbstractPlugin initialized in the constructor. In addition, all calls from HomeSeer related to actions are automatically routed through that instance.
A collection for holding types of classes that adhere to certain structural rules.
The internal data stored by HomeSeer describing a particular event action or trigger. Instances of this class are created and managed by HomeSeer and are passed through the AbstractPlugin to the ActionTypeCollection and TriggerTypeCollection respectively. You shouldn't need to work with this class directly and can rely on the decoded pieces exposed through the AbstractActionType and AbstractTriggerType classes in most situations.
A collection of AbstractTriggerTypes that can be used by users to create HomeSeer Event Triggers.
An instance of this class is a field on AbstractPlugin initialized in the constructor. In addition, all calls from HomeSeer related to triggers are automatically routed through that instance.
PLEASE NOTE: This was ported directly from the legacy HS3 API and has not been fully reviewed to ensure proper compatibility and support through this SDK. This may undergo significant change in the near future. Please use with caution.
PLEASE NOTE: This was ported directly from the legacy HS3 API and has not been fully reviewed to ensure proper compatibility and support through this SDK. This may undergo significant change in the near future. Please use with caution.
PLEASE NOTE: This was ported directly from the legacy HS3 API and has not been fully reviewed to ensure proper compatibility and support through this SDK. This may undergo significant change in the near future. Please use with caution.
The base implementation of an action type interface that facilitates communication between AbstractActionTypes and the AbstractPlugin that owns them.
Extend this interface and have your AbstractPlugin implementation inherit it to make it accessible through the ActionListener field.
The base implementation of a trigger type interface that facilitates communication between AbstractTriggerTypes and the AbstractPlugin that owns them.
Extend this interface and have your AbstractPlugin implementation inherit it to make it accessible through the TriggerListener field.
PLEASE NOTE: This was ported directly from the legacy HS3 API and has not been fully reviewed to ensure proper compatibility and support through this SDK. This may undergo significant change in the near future. Please use with caution.